Bad Boys, Bad Instructions, and Brilliant Solutions

Welcome back to another episode of The Concrete Podcast, where BG and Jon take you on a ride through the wild, wonderful world of concrete. Buckle up as they recount last night's unexpected run-in with the law, emphasizing the crucial do's and don'ts of placing anything on your concrete before it's sealed. They’ll explore the hazards of following misguided instructions from vendors who just don't get it and guide you on where to find the best diamond pads. Tune in to discover the best electric heat blanket for curing concrete, and stick around for a heartfelt chat about the things we love. This episode is a blend of wisdom, wit, and a whole lot of concrete passion. Join us, won't you?


#ConcretePodcast #ConcreteCare #DiamondPads #HeatBlanketForConcrete #ConcreteSealing #ConcreteCuring #BadVendorAdvice #ConcreteCraftsmanship #WWBGD #PoliceStoriesConcrete


Hello, Jon Schuler.

Hello, Brandon Gore.

I was out late last night, talking to the police, the poooolice.


The po-po, yeah.

Wild night.

So, I'll give you the short, the very, very short story.

I got some, you know, very uncourteous, what, what, what, discourteous, uncourteous?

I don't know how to describe it, but I have some neighbors that are not very courteous.

Yeah, there's jerks.

That like to set off fireworks right now, because it's 4th of July, really late at night, and wake up all the neighbors.

And they do it just to do it, to wake up the neighbors.

Because it gets dark at 8.30, you don't need to be setting off fireworks at 10.30, 11 o'clock at night.

Anyways, been going on for a few days, and waking up the whole neighborhood, and everybody's pissed off about it.

And so last night, it's going on again, and I walk outside, and I see, it's the street behind me, these huge aerial fireworks, which are actually illegal to shoot off right now.

Huge aerial fireworks, like these super, like the $500 ones, like when you go to the firework place, and you have like the big daddy one, it's like 500 bucks, and it's the huge one.

That's what this person's setting off, and it's right behind my house.

So I jump in my truck, drive over there and pull up, and you know, it's like just a wall of smoke when you come pulling up, and it's like a teenage boy and a couple younger kids, like 10 year olds, and standing in the middle of the street, setting off fireworks, and I shine my flashlight at them, I say, hey bro, you know, I got three little kids, you're waking everybody up, knock it off.

And it turns out it wasn't a teenage boy, it's like a middle-aged woman that just has like the teenage boy haircut that all the boys have.

And she goes, we'll be done soon.

And I said, well, be done now.

You know, you're waking everybody up.

And at that moment, she decided to go to like Karen times a thousand level and escalate this unnecessarily, because I'm just asking you to knock it off.

You're waking everybody up.

I'm telling you, you're waking up my kids.

So she's like, f*** you, I'll call the cops.

I'm like, yeah, f*** you, I'll call the cops.

I'll do it for you, you know?

I was like, don't threaten me with a good time.

Like, you want to make a scene?

Let's make a scene.

You want to escalate this?

I'll escalate it.

You know, I'll be your Huckleberry.

So you want to do this?

Let's do it.

And so I just, you know, I have my windows down anyway.

So I just use the speaker phone, boop, boop, boop, call the police and just say, hey, you know, we have a lady setting off big aerial fireworks in the neighborhood, waking everybody up.

I asked her to knock it off.

She said she wanted to call the cops.

So, hey, that's what I'm doing.

I'm just going to hang out here until the cops get here.

So I'm in a white Dodge Ram sitting out front.

Within three minutes... she walks around and takes a picture of my license plate.

She's like, I got a picture of your license plate.

And I'm like, that's fine.

I'm not going anywhere.

I'm staying right here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Yeah, but good job for you.

Three cop cars pull up, turn her lights on.

All three of them turn their lights on, make a huge scene.

You know, it's a quiet neighborhood, nice neighborhood.

Three cop cars, lights going full blast.

And he come up and asked me, like, what's going on?

Yeah, see, they're saying the same thing.

Don't threaten us with a good time.

We got nothing going on.

You know, this sounds like fun for us.

So he's like, what's going on?

I'm like, I got three little kids.

They all have a cold right now or the flu, and they're all sick.

And this person's been setting off these aerial fireworks all night, waking everybody up.

And I came over and asked him to knock it off, and she wanted to escalate it and call the cops.

So that's why I'm here.

And I said, you know, I just want to let you know, like, I know legally you can shoot off fireworks till midnight right now.

And, but I do know that you're not supposed to be setting off aerial fireworks, but you know, but as far as like the whole midnight thing, just because it's legal doesn't mean you should.

This is a family neighborhood.

Everybody has small children or it's elderly people.

And for people to be doing that is very selfish and very non-neighborly.

You're not being a good neighbor.

So for me, I'm just over it, man.

Like just because you can doesn't mean you should.

And this kind of like what you talk about with putting your cart away.

It's not a law to put your cart away, but it's being a good neighbor.

It's being a good human.

Just do the right thing.


You know, you're looking out for your fellow human.

So if you know that all your neighbors have small kids or they're, you know, in their eighties, why are you gonna go out there at 10, 30, 11 at night and set off dynamite and wake up the whole neighborhood?

Why would you do that?

You know, unless you're just trying to be a jerk to be a jerk, you know, you get your fun from disrupting everybody else's peace.

So I said, you know, I'm just over it.

And he's like, dude, I get it.

And I totally agree.

So they walk over and start talking to her and they have their flashlights out, three cops walking around and they look at all the fireworks she has in her driveway that, you know, these big canisters and they see all the aerial fireworks.

And he walks back over and he says, hey man, you're free to go.

We're gonna issue her a citation.

I said, okay, great, you have a good night.

So I drive back home and to look it up, the citation, it's a minimum $1,000 fine for your first offense, for shooting off aerial fireworks before 4th of July.

So she got a $1,000 fine and she brought that on herself.

Like I came over and just said, hey, knock it off, you're waking up my kids.

I got three little kids.

And she's the one who's like, you know, I didn't say I'm gonna call the cops.

She said it.

And so, you know, for whatever reason, she wanted to escalate it or intimidate me.

She thought I was gonna drive away and whatever.

And I'm like, hey, you know, if you wanna take this to 100, let's do it, let's go to 100.

Come on, let's go.

So anyways, you know, f**k around, find out.

She f**ked around and she found out.


That's funny.

I'm giggling on this side because you know what would be funny?

What would be funny?

Like seriously, funny, okay?

So have Erin put like a little, like a very, very small thing of cookies on a plate, and then go back over there today, because now, right, you can do the aerial fire and knock on the door and go, hey, what time were you gonna have those fireworks?

Oh, man, you know, I've said it so many times and probably rolled their eyes.

I don't understand people like that.

I like legit, I don't get it.

People have such a hard time saying, sorry, you know?

Yeah, my bad, not a big deal.

You always talk about the shopping cart thing, but I send you the videos, I see them on TikTok.

There's this guy, I love him, that he throws magnets on people's cars that say they're like a shopping cart or something.

I can't remember what it is, but it's hilarious.

And people get so angry.

People just double down.

They get all hot and heavy and aggressive.

And you're like, seriously?

I don't know.

Just put your cart away.

And they're like, don't touch my car.

You know, I'm gonna call the police.

He's like, just put your cart away.

Just put your cart away.

Yeah, they put more energy in trying to be aggressive and mean to this person than just, you know, and you just grab your cart and like, you know what I did?

My bad.

Yeah, I get it.

And I'm sure, like, I'm even willing to say, which I don't think there are legit, but whatever, meaning with these people, they probably had a legit reason why.

So, okay, but you know, now that you get called on, it's just so simple.

It's just so simple to live your life in a way that you put your cart away.

It shouldn't be that difficult.

Well, I was thinking last night, if me and the kids were outside at, you know, 10, 15, 10, 20 at night, shooting off big fireworks, not little ones, like, whatever, we're out there shooting off, like, the fountain sprinkler things, you know, that shoot sparks or little like, those things.

They're not loud, whatever, but we're out there shooting all the, boom, at like 10, 15, 10, 20.

And somebody comes over and says, hey, dude, you're waking up my kids.

Like, knock it off.

What would I do?

I'd be like, dude, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean to wake up your kids.

Yeah, we'll stop, you know.

Have a good night, because that's what a good neighbor would do.

We're all neighbors in this, you know, in this neighborhood.

So why would you, when I say, I live right behind you, you're waking up my kids, why are you gonna escalate it to calling the cops?

Like, what got in your mind that that's the right reconciliation for this situation, you know, and you got to know, you got to know that you're making a ton of noise and waking up everybody in like a three or four block radius with your shenanigans that, you know, 10, 15 at night when everybody's trying to go to sleep.

So anyways, whatever.

I mean, if it's like a college, if it's like a college neighborhood, okay, whatever.

But this is, these are all, again, all young families or elderly, that's what this neighborhood is.

Even though you're saying that, see what I'm saying?

This is you and me with, especially since coming, you know, you feel like even at the end of this, as I'm listening to you, see, you're putting up your guard.

Like, you know, if it was this versus that.

I can see there's certain situations where it wouldn't be as problematic because those, like if you're all 20 years old and you're shooting fireworks at 10, 15, 10, 20, whatever, you're all staying up till two in the morning anyways, but if you're talking about a neighborhood of like a very quiet neighborhood with all young children, that's a different scenario.

Like knock it off.

Come on now.

You know, that's just a different thing.

I was telling Erin, like when we lived in Eureka Springs, we were out in the country.

We didn't have anybody within thousands and thousands of feet.

This lady is like literally from my house, 50 feet away, you know, like to the street on the other side.

We didn't have people for many thousands feet around us.

And people shoot off fireworks until a reasonable amount of time, then they knock it off, you know?

And that's in the country.

That's when your nearest neighbor is over the hill, you know, and they're still being courteous.

They're still being courteous of not just being jerks and wicking everybody up.

So I don't know, it's just a different mindset.

People are very selfish a lot of times, like very selfish.

They just think about themselves.

Well, it brings up that same word, integrity.

I mean, we brought up that so many times.

We've ever listened to other people, you know, tout their integrity and tout their integrity.

And turns out their actions never showed it when they were turning around and stealing from other people and et cetera.

The reason why, you know, some people walked away from certain businesses, and it's just wild, dude.

It's wild.

It is wild, Jon.

It is wild.

So I got a list of things here for the podcast.

Numerous things.

It's all 4th of July related?

All 4th of July.

I mean, some of these might create some fireworks.

I don't know.

But one of them that popped up was on the Kodiak Pro discussion page.

Somebody, which I have the impression is fairly new to Concrete, was asking about what created or what can they do to get rid of this spot on the countertop that they haven't sealed yet.

And I asked him, tell me what you did.

And he's like, well, we cast the concrete, flipped it over.

He put foam on the surface of the concrete while he was installing an undermount sink.

And he left the foam on it for 24 hours on concrete that was less than 24 hours old.

So it's super green concrete.

He put foam on the surface for 24 hours, and then it left a mark.

Well, of course, it's going to leave a mark.

But you don't know that because you're new to it, and I get that.

But this is how you learn, because I've learned the same lesson by making that same mistake.

So, but there was a couple other mistakes that he made.

Another one was he undermounted the undermount sink before processing the concrete, meaning he hasn't acid etched it yet.

So you should always acid etch first before you glue a sink to the underside, because now your acid is going to run down into that sink.

There's no way to keep it from getting into whatever that is, whether it's an enamel sink or a stainless steel sink or whatever, you got to acid etch it, and the acid is going to run into the sink.

So acid...

Okay, I'm interrupting you.

I'm sorry.

Okay, I need to go to the...

So you're saying this was a cast in place project?

No, it's a pre-cast.

Pre-cast, they flipped the piece, and he glued the sink to the underside before they processed it.

Oh, so he processing in place...

No, no, Jon, he just...

Post install?

No, I don't think he understood.

He's like, do we need to acid etch it before we seal it?

Yeah, yeah.

So I just think that's why I get the impression that he's new, and that's fine.

I mean, we also had a day one, I get it.

But so he essentially cast, and the cast actually looks nice, but he made the mistake of putting a material on the surface way too soon, and he made the mistake of gluing the sink or attaching the undermount sink.

Again, you put the cart before the horse, you did it too soon.

Oh yeah, he must have been all excited.

Yeah, you need to process the concrete, you need to seal the concrete before you install the sink.

So I guess there's several lessons to be learned here, but the number one is until the concrete is sealed, do not put anything on the surface, do not put a roll of tape, do not put a Coke can, do not put your hand on it, do not do anything.

I've experienced every one of these things.

I've put my hand, my bare hand on raw concrete before sealing it, and when I sealed it, I could see a hand print, because there's oils in your hands, and it'll leave a mark.

I've put just a block of wood or a block of foam, and it sat there for too long.

And then you seal it, and there's a ghosted surface.

We've all made the mistake of flipping over a piece and having it face down on strips of foam or wood, and then you flip it, and then you seal it, and there's stripes where all those strips were.

That's happened to me before.

And we did a class at Joe's, and there was the post-tension table, and we hadn't sealed it yet, and somebody put a Coke can on it, and it left a water ring on it, and when we sealed it, you could see it.

So these are the lessons you learn.

Before it's sealed, do not put anything, nothing, on that surface until it's sealed.

Until it's sealed, it is the most fragile surface.

You have to-

It absorbs everything.

Yeah, I mean, that's the whole idea, right?

Concrete, that's what we talk about, casting and clean cast, and it gets into nooks and cranny.

It basically reflects whatever you cast on it, and et cetera, et cetera.

So no, this is a great, I'm actually, while you were talking, I went, I see even this person even has the faucet installed.

So, I'm just guessing, whoever this was, probably cast it, got really giddy.

Wow, let's go, what does this look like in place?

Let's go do this stuff.

And just unfortunately missed or skipped some steps along the path.

So if I were him, my recommendation would pull the faucet.

Pull the sink off.

Probably not gonna pull that sink down.

I'd pull that sink off.

So maybe tape it off.

No, I'd take that sink off.

Scrub it all down.

Take that sink off.

Take the sink off.

It's gonna save you a world of pain to just cut the silicone, or if you put clips, take the clips off, get that sink off, and acid-atch it properly.

I posted the instructions on his question, but here's how you acid-atch it.

Here's how you seal it.

Then install the faucet, install the sink, and install it in place.

And if you do those things, then you're gonna have a really good end result.

But yeah, if you do the things, again, put the cart before the horse.

You install the sink, you install the faucet, you install the countertop, you didn't acid-atch it, you seal it after the fact.

The sealer, if it gets on metal, it sticks to the metal.

Oh, yeah, yeah.

So there's just so many issues.

ICT is brutal for that, man.

I mean, that's what it's made today's ICT reacts with metals.

Any of the byproducts of any of the processing, you know, et cetera, et cetera.

So yeah, there's no question.

So anyways, again, I get it.

I've made every mistake in the book, and that's how you learn.

The trick is, or the hope is, we all make mistakes, but hopefully you learn and you don't make the same mistake twice.

No, I've made the same mistake sometimes 20, 30, 40 times.

Sometimes it takes a while to learn the lesson.

But the goal is don't get hard on yourself when you make a mistake, but learn from it and don't do that one again.

That's how you get better, is you mess up, you learn from that mistake, and you don't do it again.

And if that's your experience, then you'll have a pretty good go at it.

But anyway, so that was one thing.

Well, now that we're at it, just because I'm looking at the picture, boy, what a really nice cast that he did.

I still see some tape residue.

It's nice and clean against the, looks like a brick wall or something like that.

Nice and clean.

So very nice cast.

You got a great job in the casting method and probably just got super eager.

I'm gonna take this, put it in place.

Oh, this is beautiful.

And yeah, now pull it apart.

Well, I bet money that if he removes the sink and the faucet, if he acid etches it properly, if he seals it properly, I bet it's gonna look pretty darn good.

Even though he had those initial stains and stuff, I think when you acid etch it, it'll minimize it dramatically and you'll be all right.

Yeah, I think you'll be all right.

No question.

Yeah, and that's what I mean.

I mean, it's a very nice looking cast.

So, yeah, this is not a start over situation.

So, yeah, ready to rock and roll.

Nice one.

Yeah, the other thing I have my list here is plasticizer when you load it in a mix.

So we've had many people now reach out to us that have either heard from T****c or have heard from C**************e to load the plasticizer at the end of the mix cycle.

That's where the advice is coming from.

There's zero reason to add the plasticizer at the end of a mix cycle.

It is the worst time to add the plasticizer because your mixer is going to be fighting it.

If you're hand mixing, you're going to be fighting it.

You're going to be chasing the mix, meaning that if you add it at the end and it was too aggressive, now it's going to be all liquid.

So you want to add the plasticizer up front on the low end, on the very, very beginning.

You want to add the plasticizer up front let the plasticizer help ease the mixing process.

So your mixer's not fighting it.

So it's a much more fluid mix and you let it slake.

And then if you need to add any more plasticizer, you can add a couple grams at that point to get it where you want it.

You're not chasing the mix.

You're not hoping that it's going to be what you want it to be.

But I'm trying to think of the guy's name and maybe I shouldn't say it because I want to out him, but he was really having a tough time with Kodiak Pro because he was using instructions that he got from T****c on the products.

No, and then he was adding excess water in the whole nine yards.

Yeah, he was dumping water in, like seven pounds of water or something.

Was that the same guy that was putting too much water?

Correct, yeah.

So what he was doing is, to the best of the knowledge or let's say the information that he had received from the other company's products that he was using was, yeah, for some reason, I shouldn't say for some reason, I actually know where the misconception really began, which I'll talk about that in a minute if you want me to.

But it's now become bad information, and it's been bad information for a very long period of time.

But originally, I'm gonna say it was a misunderstanding and misconception based on a certain company and their material is actually out of Texas.

So if you want me to, I'll go into that, and how it morphed, and why that now I would consider very outdated and complete misinformation now.

So what he was doing is trying to wet everything out.

He started with the six pounds of water, then he was adding another pound of water because he just thought, hey, wow, this mix is just not wetting out.

And then adding, I would say the proper amount of plasticizer, but adding it so late in the mix cycle that it actually wasn't even giving adequate mix time and dispersion time.

So it was just a cascade of errors, unfortunately, based on the initial misinformation.

And I think he went to like three different castings or something until he finally got a hold of you and got a hold of me.

And then I basically walked him through the very beginnings and why that information is wrong and et cetera.

But for a moment, if you guys don't mind, I'll just talk about the history of that information and why that is so irrelevant today.

So this goes back to a company called Maximizer.

Actually, I don't know if that's the company, but that's the material they came up with, Maximizer.

And it was using shale as the aggregate.

And he actually had a patent on a specific way of putting a specific kind of material into the mix that because it's a lightweight aggregate, the idea was like your fly ash or whatever your fine material would plug the little fishers in the lightweight aggregate.

And so you can imagine if you put plasticizer into early, it wouldn't do it as well.

So he made this patent on this whole idea of how to load the mix, which was all based around a lightweight aggregate.

And to a degree it worked, but it suffered from a lot of the same issues that we see today when you load things incorrectly.

And that would be this particular mix was pretty prone to curling and cracking and some of the other things we see.

So that information kind of got, I think, misunderstood or misconstrued.

Is that right?

Construed, mistrude, whatever it is.


Something like that into what we do.

And so then that information kind of went with the idea that, and I think it was with the propellotype mixers, is they would load all the water and sands up front with the idea that you were wetting out the sands, right?

And then bring in your admixtures and so forth, and then your cement went last, and then your plasticizer.

But even under that circumstance, let's say, satisfying the absorption ratios of the sands first.

Again, because people don't really realize this, but regardless of what sands we're talking about, there are, that's how it holds together, is there's little micro cracks and fissures and stuff in the sands, and you're wetting them out and so forth.

But anyway, that's how that got just morphed incorrectly into what we do.

And I have actually seen some videos where people followed that path and they think they were doing it correctly when they're like, in fact, I made some phone calls to say, well, when I'm doing, let's say, raw materials loading, Jon, that's the way I do it.

And I'm like, well, if you move these things around, even from like, this is what I do with raw materials.

Back, I think we've talked about in loading procedures.

So in this case, let's say you're using rad mix and cement and so forth, and then put the least amount of sand up front, least amount.

But still, your plasticizer should be as dispersed as possible.

So basically, whether it's a liquid or a powder, you know, you want it as dispersed as possible before really you're adding any ingredients.

But in this case, if you're adding sand first, you want to keep that a minimum because you don't want the plasticizer.

First of all, it's not going to really act on your sands with the, you know, the steric repulsion kind of things that it's doing.

Then you want to get as much cement-based material upfront that to prevent the agglomeration, you know, so in other words, we're dispersing all those materials and then the rest of your sands would go last.

I mean, that would be the optimal way of doing it.

Even more optimal if you could leave all the sands till last, but you need some kind of grinder up front, you know what I mean?

Some amount to help act as grinder so things don't get chunky on you.

So anyway, yeah, so today, in today's world, I think we've all really understood that that information is extremely outdated.

The reasons for it was very misunderstood having to do with somebody's patent and technology and it had nothing to do with workability.

It had everything to do with taking, trying to take a lightweight aggregate and let's say plug the holes in Fisher so it consumed or absorbed the least amount of water possible.

And anyway, so hopefully that makes sense to people and just don't do it that way.

It's just not the most efficient way of utilizing any plasticizer.

Yeah, well, the problem with what you just said, Jon, is you explained the wrong way to do it.

People listen will hear that and think, Jon said this was the way to do it.

I taught a class about it two weeks ago.

And I said, we're doing a bathroom in the front office.

I said, hey guys, don't use this bathroom.

Use the bathroom in the shop.

Don't use the bathroom in the office.

This bathroom's under construction.

There's not a working sink because we're making the sink.

There's no toilet paper in here.

Don't use this bathroom.

And the second I get done, somebody goes in, shuts the door and pees in there.

They come out, somebody else goes in, shuts the door.

I'm like, what, I just said, don't use this bathroom.

And people are going in, I'm like, guys.

And the whole workshop, people continue to go in and use the bathroom, but there's like no sink in there.

There's no toilet paper in there.

I don't know.

Well, you said, this is the bathroom.

So that's the danger in what you just did.

You explained the wrong way and somebody's going to hear it and be like, but Jon said, no, Jon said, don't do this.

Don't do this.

No, don't, don't, don't, don't.

Don't, don't, don't, yeah, plasticizers needs to, for optimum dispersion and proper use, your plasticizers, your liquid, any of that needs to be as upfront as absolutely possible.

Along with that, your cement-based particles should be upfront as absolutely optimum as possible.

That's raw material point of view.

Obviously, you can't really do that if you have pre-blended, but it's still the same idea.

The same principles apply, period, which, as long as we're talking about that, I would say the other call I've gotten, I'd say pretty consistent is the idea that here we're talking about plasticizers and putting them upfront and adequate dispersion.

I guess the principles apply.

With those principles, sheer or amount of sheer is also a big one, which we just came through.

We're talking, I call it the propeller mixer.

What are they called, though?

Not Hobart.

Vertical shaft?

Yeah, there you go.

So those were supposedly built for optimal dispersion.

It's like a big blender.

It's just a big blender.

Up and down.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

So where I'm going with this is, so those guys that are finding success with barrel mixers, just remember or maybe don't remember, how about introducing the information to yourself that they're never going to disperse the shear in those or never going to disperse as quickly or efficiently as higher shear.

It's not a bad thing, but it just means you need to find yourself a compensation in time.

And typically for me, what I would tell people is, so that what we call the slate time, burping time, whatever somebody wants, take that from a 10-minute to probably a 20 or 25-minute.

Oh, 25.

I wouldn't do 25.

Maybe 15.

So as an example, I was talking to Gabe the other day, and him and I were talking about this kind of stuff, and he was noticing that sometimes, again, I'm going to say a happy accident.

This actually happened to him by accident, but it answered his own question.

He said there was times when he's mixing, and even though he's hitting his numbers properly, and he kind of got used to the mix itself, essentially being the consistency of, I don't know, I'm going to call it thicker honey, you know what I mean, or slightly thicker than what I'm used to, or some of the videos we've shown.

And something went wrong with his, or a mold, maybe it was wrong, he had to set up for something, something wasn't quite right.

So he had the mix sitting for an extra 10 minutes or so that he wasn't prepared for, but he noticed that when he went back, that mix went from the consistency he's used to, to significantly thinner and more flowable, and easier on the release of air in the whole nine yards.

And it was funny because he was asking me about it.

I'm like, well, you just answered your question.

And that was because the difference of shear in the barrel mixer, find a way, whatever.

So to me, it just means, give it a little longer in the slakes.

And for optimal dispersion, because one way or another, you're just not getting the shear out of that barrel.

And if you keep your temperatures right, you should be able to open that time up without concern.

I agree with you.

I let the mixer mix longer than I would with the vertical shaft, or I would say vertical shaft, with the Eimer 360.


So the Eimer 360 mixes really fast.

That's the good thing about it.

But you have to mix a lot to make it mix well.

And you also can only mix up to 600 pounds.

So that's the max.

Where the drum mixer, you can mix up to 1200 pounds.

And you can mix lower amounts, and you could really do in the 360.

So you can mix lower, and you can mix more, and it's easier to clean, and it's 110 power, and it's a cheaper mixer.

There's a lot of reasons for it.

But that being said, I let it mix longer.

And so instead of like three or four minutes mixing the 360, I might let the Eimer go for 10 minutes mixing.

Just mixing, mixing, mixing, mixing.

And then let it slake.

I will let it slake longer if not.

I do 10 minutes.

I'll let it go 15, maybe 20.

Let it slake longer.

Well, let's see, but you're just accomplishing the goal from a different direction.

You're letting it mix longer, which again, that's fine.

I'm certainly not against that, but I just kind of look at it, even though it's a low turbulence, comparatively speaking, letting it continue to churn is not necessarily increasing dispersion.

You know what I'm saying?

Versus just shutting it down and walking away from it and let the chemistry do its chemistry, and then kick it back on and finish cutting through the paddles.

I mean, I'm just saying, for me, that's going to be a little more efficient than just letting it continue to tumble.

I get you.

But yeah, so that's what I do, is I let it mix longer.

I'll let it slake longer next time.

I'll let it go 15 minutes and then kick it back on, let it mix for another, you know, probably three to five, and then throw the fibers in, let it mix those in and then pour.

But I'm having good success the way I'm doing it.

And, you know, I'm really happy with it, so.

Well, that's the other thing.

I mean, we have these kinds of conversations with people.

And, you know, the reality is none of us are sitting with there with a stopwatch.

So it's very possible, whoever I'm talking to.

And then like, well, I think I let it go.

It's usually about 15 minutes.

Well, was it?

Because I can tell you, if I don't put a timer down, like when I'm in the shop, if I don't like legit hit my phone and say, boop, timer, there's times when I'm thinking it's been 15 minutes and it's been three.


Dude, I used to have a magnetic timer.

It's an oven timer, but the old school one, where you just turn it all the way to the right and then you turn it back to the 10, 15, 20, whatever, and it tick, tick.

You know, yes, sir.

But I used to have one of those for sealer because back the sealer I used to use, this is back in the E3 2K days.

E3 2K, you had to mix and you had to let it set for like 10 or 20 minute induction time.

I can't remember what it was.

And you had to mix it and you had to let it set again.

And yet there's all these times.

So I bought this timer just for that purpose of just setting a 10 minute timer, 15, whatever it was.

But it was really handy and it would be good for this.

You could put, you just, because it's magnetic, just pop it, they're like five bucks on Amazon.

Pop that on your mixer, set it to 15 and walk away.

And then you know, when you hear that timer goes off, it's been 15 minutes or 10 minutes, whatever your timer is, you know?

That way you're being consistent.

Because consistency is key.

If you are having inconsistent results, you need to figure out where that is.

And it could be your mix cycle time.

It could be that sometimes you're rushing it, and other times you're tied up doing something else and the mix goes longer, and that mix is beautiful.

And you're like, why is it different?

I did the same thing.

Well, you didn't do the same thing.

You thought you did the same thing, but you're not keeping accurate records of your process.

So consistency is critical for consistent results.

Anything you do, whether it's sealer, mixing concrete, curing concrete, all of it, you have to be consistent.



So the other part I wanted to hit with what you were saying, Jon, is there was this bad information that was only relevant for this one product that's no longer even in the market, really.

But it was that information from there that's been perpetuated by companies because they don't do this for a living.

We talk about the difference is experience and experience matters.

And that is, if anybody is listening to the podcast and you're new to Concrete, here's what I tell you.

Me and Jon and Gabriel and Joe Bates, we all do this for a living every day.

We've all been doing it.

I've been doing it 21 years.

Jon's been doing it for close to the 21 years, maybe longer.

Joe's been doing it for like 15 or 17 years.

Martin's been doing it for like 10 or 12 years.

We've all been doing it for a long time.

And we continue to do it.

To this day, I'm making client pieces.

I'm shipping client pieces.

This is what I do.

That level of experience and level of experience with the materials, it's not that we just developed and manufacture material that we sell.

We have firsthand real world experience of using these products and putting them out into the world on client projects that no other product distributor, product reseller, product manufacturer has.

Because those companies are in the business of just selling product.

They're not in the business of making concrete for customers.

And I think it's that disconnect that really sets us apart from everybody else.

And so if you're new to concrete, understand that the other material vendors out there, they're in the business of selling products.

That's their business.

We're in the business of making the most insane concrete that can be made.

And through that process, we've developed the most insane concrete products in the world.

And we continue to gain more and more experience and insights and further refine and develop these products based on real world use.

And use.

Yeah, and that's critical.

And that's why the information, a lot of this bad information that was from 10, 15 years ago is continued to be perpetuated by these companies that don't do this for a living because they don't know what they don't know.

They don't know.

If they did it even one time that way, they'd be like, oh, this isn't gonna work.

What are we doing?

Why are we putting it at the end?

This is stupid.

That's what I was gonna add to what you're saying.

It's one thing, like I said, I'm even willing to say I am okay if these other material people out there are not necessarily working with the material on a daily or even a weekly or even a monthly basis.

But the even bigger picture for me is oftentimes they don't use the material at all.

It's a product in their product line, and I'm just going to use an analogy, Walmart, right?

Walmart doesn't have any skin in the game, meaning they don't care what products are on their shelves.

They're just trying to get enough product on their shelf so that you're there to buy product.

Like when you go to Lowe's, the joke we've had so often, in fact, this just happened to me.

I needed to find a certain drill bit.

I went over there, Jay and I walked in, you know, hey, ask the one guy, I'm looking for this kind of drill bit.

So for a drill?

Yeah, yeah, well.

No, butt plug.

What do you think, bro?

Yeah, well, then that might be over like by the drills.

Yeah, you think?

And then it's funny because he like takes off and turns like he knows where he's going, right?

And like, oh, okay, I guess that means to follow.

Well, and we get over there and like, mm, no, you know, this isn't what I'm looking for.

And so this is what it's used for.

And I told him cabinetry and this kind of stuff, cabinetry, hmm.

Anyway, my point to all this is that that still continues to one of the difficulties, and it's not gonna stop in this artisan community is these product people, whoever you are, and you know, whatever, support who you feel like you need to support, they just wanna fill their shelves.

They don't really care.

They want stuff to sell.

They don't use the product.

Quite frankly, they probably don't even have any interest in using the product.

They just wanna make sure their shelves are stocked enough so that you have something to buy.

And I don't know, man.

I don't know why we support that.

I mean, again, I understand the Walmart scenario and the grocery store scenario, but I'm struggling to see where that fits in to what we do for what we...

We're trying to make a living doing, purchasing things from people with no experience.


It's just interesting.

Well, yeah, because the products aren't really dialed in and refined for our use.

They're just general...

Maybe they hired a concrete chemist, maybe they didn't, a material scientist, but the materials are just very generic materials.

They're not really dialed for our use.

And then the...

I get it.

They did it because they need to make an income, right?

Yeah, I get it.

I mean, I do understand.

But what I'm saying, Jon, is then the information that's being perpetuated is again, hearsay, well, here's the way I've always done it, the way I used to do it.

Let me take some notes.

This is the way it's done.

And then so when you call in, you're a customer, you're new to Concrete and you buy the product, which is mediocre to begin with, and then you call somebody who's never done it in their life and they're like, well, the way you want to do this, son, is you want to put the plasticizer at the end.

That's the way it's done, says the guy that's never done it.

And that's the danger.

And so that's what happened to this guy that had bought Kodiak, has been listening to the podcast, he bought Kodiak, but he was using instructions from another product out there that was bad information.

It was horrible information.

And he was using those instructions to mix this and was having horrible results because of it.

And it was only once, and he reached out to me and I said, please get ahold of Jon, he'll walk you through it.

But it was only after that that things got sorted out.

And you know, he's...

Well, see, when I actually talked to him, this is what was interesting to me.

Cause I understand where, although he didn't get really defensive, because I didn't, you know, when I call, you know, I'm not gonna be a jerk about it, I get it.

We've all had day one, right?

We've all had some experience.

So while we're talking about anybody who knows me long enough, you know, I'll pull up a, you know, some analogy to Nazis and...

Every time, Jon.

I always have to go like full tilt, but no.

Dude, I had a dream I was killing Nazis last night.

True story, true story.

I just remembered it when you said Nazi.

It was a crazy dream.

It was a crazy dream.

Anyways, go ahead.

So while I was talking to him, I just asked him a question.

I was like, you know, do you ever make a protein shake or chocolate milk or any of these kind of things?

And he goes, yeah.

And I go, okay.

So based on that, if you took, you know, your two scoops of protein powder and you put it into your glass first, and then poured your milk or whatever liquid on top of that and started stirring, he goes, oh yeah, no, it gets stuck.

Yeah, yeah, that's exactly what happens.

So I guess what I'm saying again, so we actually do know if we look at other things that it's not really efficient.

And I'm saying this because in a way he was like, well, you know, I don't know the chemistries.

And I'm like, well, it doesn't have to be about knowing the chemistry and what I use the word dispersion and so forth and so on.

I mean, there's plenty of things in our lives that if we look at, that we can look at that and go, oh, yeah, I guess that doesn't make sense.

Like as an example, in the truck, I think I've told you about it, like my diesel truck.

So I put that diesel additive in, right?

Okay, so would it make sense to add your additive after you fill the tank and then pour it in on top after you fill the tank?

Or do you put it in before you start filling the tank so that you know it gets blended in with all the fuel?

And he's like, well, of course you'd put it in before.

Exactly, so it really does make sense if we break it down to common things that we're used to, and then realize that, yeah, that information is, it's just complete misinformation now.

And if that information is still being used, then that should be a huge red flag.

I mean, the red strobe light should go on and go, oh my goodness, yeah.

Whoever this is, again, kudos to you for doing whatever you can to fill the shelves of your store.

But the reality is, you don't know what you're doing, you don't have the experience, and I'm willing to put my own, you know, whatever stake in the sand that goes, I don't really understand the realities of supporting people like that.

But, you know, it is what it is.

It is what it is.

Well, that brings me to another thought I had, which was I was looking to buy, I need to buy, dude, I don't water polish very often, very rarely, do I need to water polish.

But I need to buy some more water polishing pads because the ones I had from my old polisher, I haven't used them in so long, the Velcro backer was coming off of them.

That's how old they were.

I mean, it's years, 10, 12 years ago, it was last time I probably bought some.

But I was looking and, you know, there's these distributors that sell to this industry, that sell either their concrete countertop supply distributors or their granite supply, stone supply distributors, and they sell diamond pads.

And there was a time when you needed to go to those places, you know, like those products were hard to come by.

But anymore, that type of product, this is one of the things I don't understand, is that kind of product, they're all made in China.

There's nobody in the United States making diamond pads.

They're all made in China.

If you ever go to World of Concrete, every manufacturer of those is China.

Yeah, China or Portugal.

China, for the most part, China.

For what I'm talking about, the stone diamond pads that are like, you know, just common kind of go on a wet polisher.

You know, I was looking at the prices of these, you know, either concrete supply or granite supply, stone supply, and then just looking at Amazon, and they're the exact same pads.

And on Amazon, you're pretty much buying direct from the Chinese manufacturers, and you're paying less and you're getting it faster.

And I'm just, there was a time, it's just we, a lot of businesses operate like they were 15 years ago.

And they still operate from, like you said, like let me fill the shelves with things for people to buy.

Let me just fill up my space with just stuff, stuff.

I need stuff, I need stuff to sell.

When they come in, I want to sell them that, that, that, that.

I want to get the highest ticket I can and sell you the most stuff, whether you need it or not.

You know, I think of like the compaction rollers that all these concrete supply places for selling the guys for GFRC, for SEC GFRC.

And then they're like, you need to roll them back?

No, you don't, you idiot.

It doesn't do anything.

But they were selling these things because it was something to sell, you know?

But anyways, I was just thinking about like that.

And so I ended up just buying them on Amazon because there's no point in buying from any of these stone suppliers, whatever, because they're just, they're buying from the Chinese manufacturer, putting a mark upon it and selling it to me as if, you know, some magic middleman, and I need to go through them to buy these things.

Well, that, I guess, you're hitting on a whole thing, which let's go back to where we started with Integrity, or et cetera.

I'm totally okay buying from anybody who's taken the time and energy to actually reach out and design or build something themselves.

I get that.

Innovation, yeah.

I totally understand that.

But on the flip side, yeah, if you are instead pulling these things in, then yeah, there used to be, I remember Braxton Bragg, right?


I don't even think they're around anymore.

No, they are.

They just changed their name.

Braxton Bragg's still around.

They just changed their name to something else.

Oh, really?

So yeah, these were the only places you could go get those kinds of things.

But, and then they had, right, sales forces and teams, and I can't remember the guy's name, he was super nice, as the, who I used to call all the time.

But now Braxton Bragg kind of does the same thing, right?

They've just basically opened a store on Amazon, and you go there to purchase whatever the case may be, because Braxton Bragg, for everything they, it was the same thing.

They were basically like a Walmart, you know what I mean?

Of these kind of materials.

And there was no real skin in the game other than keeping their shelves stocked.

I understand that.

I totally understand that.

So yeah, and you know, I don't know, I guess it's a me thing.

I'm, whether we were talking about pottery, concrete, whatever, I'm just a big proponent of supporting the companies that have invested their own time and energy in doing something cool, not just doing knockoffs, not just perpetuating misinformation and poor information, not necessarily taking a product that is out there and then relabeling it, and like just happened a minute ago, back when other podcasts were available, and putting a new label on it and trying to introduce it as something innovative when it's just a repackaging of something else.

I mean, I understand marketing, don't get me wrong, but that's an ill of probably many industries, but it continues to be an ill of this little niche industry and why that perpetuates the turnover that we see.

Well, something that you started to touch on and then you went a different direction was innovation and supporting innovation.

So speaking of diamond pads, most diamond pads, if you're just talking about just a normal water polisher, those are standard sizes and there's a hundred or a thousand companies in China making diamond pads.

And like I said, you can go to World of Concrete, you can talk direct to the manufacturers, they'll sell direct to you.

There's no innovation there.

That's just, it's a resin pad or whatever, and they're all making the same thing and you can just buy direct.

But what something that we did at Kodiak, because we saw a need and it wasn't being filled, was we developed a Festool compatible diamond pad.

This didn't exist, and we worked with a company and we paid for all the tooling, the dyes, and we manufactured those, and we have those manufactured specifically for us, right?

And so that's a completely innovative product.

You can't go to a countertop supplier or a Braxton Bragg or a Stone Supply, because this product doesn't exist.

It doesn't exist anywhere.

We're the only company in the world that sells this product because we invested in the time and energy to develop the product, to make the tooling.

Hold on, Jon, I hear you.

As people unfortunately found out.

Well, yeah, I was going to say.

So we do this, and we launch it.

And again, this is an innovative product.

It's a unique product, and it's a product specifically fit for this industry, and actually the stone industry would probably benefit from it as well.

But anybody that uses Festool with dust extraction, this is a tool that saves you a ton of heartache because now you can use these diamond pads when you're finishing stone or concrete.

So anyways, we launched this, and immediately one of these concrete supply stores says, we have our own Festool diamond pads coming out soon, right?


Well, that's interesting, huh?

I mean, I'm not saying it's impossible.

Maybe lightning strikes twice.

Maybe they had the same idea.

Maybe they thought, well, this is something the industry needs.

Let me invest in it.

So it was just interesting.

But then what happened was they reached out to our company that we're using to manufacture, which we're not shy about saying who manufactures because it's a very premium company that makes the best diamond products in the world.

And they reached out to them and said, hey, we want to buy those Festool compatible pads.

And they said, well, actually, those are strictly for Kodiak.

They paid for the tooling.

They own the tooling.

So if you want to buy those.

If you want to buy those, yeah, you can work directly with them.

And he copied us on the email back to this countertop supply store.

It was just hilarious that they made this announcement that they were going to release a Festool compatible pad without actually having secured anything.

And then after the fact, reached out to our manufacturer that we have paid for all the tooling.

We've gone through all, and it's expensive to do this, to go through all this stuff and then try to buy them from them.

It was just like so disingenuous, but this is what people do.

There's very little innovative thought in any industry.

And when there is innovative thought, the pirates on the sidelines wait for somebody to have a good idea and they want to steal it.

Like, ooh, that's a good idea.

Let me do that.

You know, they're not really, because they don't do this.

They don't do this for a living.

They don't see where the problems are.

They don't see where the friction points are.

They don't see where there's a need for something new, because if you don't do it, you don't know what you don't know.


You have to do it.

And as you know, I think we have four more or five more in production going on right now.

So I'm looking, really looking forward to those to fit other sizes and other backers and et cetera.

But see, that wasn't all the funny, as we go back to the beginning, as you very well know, most people don't know what happens behind the scenes.

Based on that, I didn't even get upset about it.

I just threw an email out because this particular person posts some other things, won't take my calls, and just said, hey man, water under the bridge.

This is something you'd like to do.

They're really great pads.

I'd love to work with you.

And I basically got crickets and instead wrote an email back to them.

I don't want to work, I won't work with these people, blah.

And I'm like, oh my goodness.

Just, wow, people are crazy.

I don't understand it.

I mean, I wasn't, yeah, anyway, I could go on and on, but it's sad.

It's unfortunate, but egos and politics and maybe I need a bigger ego.

It's unfortunate, but you know, so that being said, maybe I let the cat out of the bag too early, but hopefully those other ones will be ready here pretty soon.

We just got the tooling and stuff paid for and we'll see what happens.

Yeah, it's a process, but people don't understand that.

We've been working on this for many months now.

Oh, yeah.

With design drawings, tooling, you know, it's a lot that goes into it.

It takes a lot of time, takes a lot of money, takes a lot of energy.

And for somebody to try to swoop in and buy direct from the people that are manufacturing for us after we invest in all the time, energy and tooling, it's just a shady thing to do.

But shady people do shady things, and this is what happens.

And the funny thing is the narrative becomes, we're the bad guys, Brandon and Jon are the bad guys.

But when you know the whole story, no, we're the good guys doing God's work over here for the concrete industry, and there's people talking trash because they don't like it.

So whatever.

Well, and I understand, I shouldn't say it because I certainly don't condone it, but I understand it.

Meaning, man, how much work we've gone through to find the right hardness of the resin, the size of the diamond, diamond count.

We went through a bunch, and got feedback from some of the guys.

I remember McCray, like, man, he burned right.

Like, man, these really went through fast.

I'm like, really?

Oh yeah, okay, great.

Well, boom, let's go back to this.

Let's make some adjustments in diamond size and resin hardness and et cetera.

And it's not easy.

So from the flip side of that, now all the way back to when, yeah, I have to bid.

It bothers me when people come in after a fact and go, hey, thanks for doing this.

Now let me try to swoop in and then get a nasty attitude when they can't just swoop in.

That's unfortunate.

Yeah, well, I said shady people do shady things.

Hurt people hurt people, Jon.

We all know this.

Well, that's true.

It's unfortunate, but it's true because even today.

Oh God, let's move on.

Let's move on.

Well, I would still work with them.

That's what's bad about me.

Like whatever, dude.

Okay, great.

Let's move on.


Well, Jon, you are the great unifier.

That's why I do love touching you.

Yeah, Jon holds no grudges.

It doesn't matter who it is.

Jon will say water the bridge.

We can work together.

Yeah, I like that about you.

You're a better man than me.

You're a better man than me because-

Last too short, man.

Last too short.

I forgive, but I don't forget.

That's me.

I don't hold grudges, but I don't forget.

And so, somebody does me dirty, that's fine.

I'm not gonna sit around and think about it, but someday when you come and say, hey brother, we're not brothers, brother.

I didn't forget what you did.

So next thing was, well, there's a couple of things.

One was electric heat blanket.

Somebody asked what kind to buy, which is a common question.

The Sunbeam, Sunbeam heat blankets, get them on Amazon, go to Walmart.

The one you want is the controller that says auto off off, auto off function.

So you can turn off-

Auto off select, I think.

Auto off select.

So you can turn off the auto off function.

So the cheaper Sunbeam blankets, and these are just the home, the ones you put on your bed, the cheaper ones have an auto off of like eight hours.

And so they'll just turn off.

If you get the more premium version, you can turn off that function.

So you need to go to Walmart and get the premium one, which is a couple hundred bucks, or you can buy the cheap one and then get on eBay and find controllers and just buy the controller.

That's what I did.

Jon told me that little trick and I got an eBay and I found the controllers had the same plug and I bought those and they have the auto off select feature.

And so you can do that.

That way you can leave them on all night.

So you can turn on the heat blanket, go home, come in in the morning, they're still on, they didn't shut off midway.

So that's that.

Next thing was I installed the sink.

Well, as long as you're on that, again, I'm gonna keep this whole push.

And anybody thinking about that stuff, just because they're, I shouldn't, it's not even a cost thing.

Sensor push.

Get these things, get the sensors, and do yourself so many favors by understanding what the concrete's doing in what timeline.

Whether you're using heat blankets or insulating blankets or covering with plastic, I don't care.

Get the sensor push, set them on there, and really understand what you're doing and it makes a very, very small investment into increasing your abilities and the quality of your materials so much.

Yeah, the whole time you were saying that, I kept having salt and pepper.

Push it real good.

Get up on this.

Sensor push, push it real good.

So I installed the sink that the class made, the Fabric Form Sink.

My buddy Jared Case, he just goes by Case.

Case came over yesterday.

Was it yesterday?

I think it was.

Yeah, it was yesterday.

Came over yesterday and helped me install the sink.

Went off without a hitch.

Perfect, perfect install.

We templated in this building.

It's an industrial building.

Nothing's square.

There's nothing square.

There's no walls that are 90 degrees.

So we templated the cabinet, the wall, the sidewalls touching, and built the Fabric Form Sink to that.

Dude, it is a perfect fit, perfect fit.

Just like absolutely spot on.

And so we installed it.

I silicone all the joints.

It's beautiful, beautiful.

So I'll post some photos here soon.

I got to, I already installed the faucet and the drain.

I got to hook up the plumbing today.

And it's done.

The sink is done.

Then I got to install a mirror, some other stuff in there, but the bathroom is essentially done.

So now if you come to a class, you can use this bathroom, unlike the last class that used the bathroom when there was no functional sink or toilet paper.

Well, that brings up a question I haven't even asked you.

And let's do it on live.

Let's do it, well, technically.

Let's do it live!

Let's do it live!

What do you think about having those kind of drains available?

Yeah, no, I will.

The ring drain?

And some of the other ones that you just have to keep your three-hour minimum for.

Yeah, yeah, dude, whatever.

I'll have a kit.

It's in the works, dude.

It's just time.

I don't have time.

Time is the greatest.

We talk about time.

We talk about the value of time.

I have so many things I want to do, and I just don't have the time.

I have this project in Arkansas that someday I'll release more details as we get closer.

I don't want to jinx anything and release too much too soon, but it's a massive undertaking and it just consumes a lot of time.

So these other things like the molds and the drains and all things I want to work on, it's just a matter of time.

But I do plan to release kits where people can buy all the parts so they can do their own ring drains and cast the covers and do the stuff.

So that's in the works, Jon, and that will come out here at some point.

Yeah, the last thing is workshops.

We have a furniture design workshop coming up August 16th through 18th.

You can go to and read about that.

And we have a basics workshop coming up September 28th and 29th.

This is a workshop.

If you're new to concrete, you want to get off on the right foot, you want to learn how to do things the right way, and you can go to to read about that.

So Jon, this brings me to the end of the podcast.

Things that we love.

Things that we love.

Well, mine's going to be on top of yours.

No, don't you.

Don't you steal my thunder.

Do not steal my thunder.

I'm going to say it first, not you.

Don't you sneak in here.

Because I saw it on TikTok, and this is the Ninja Creamy, which is a ice cream maker.

And so I was watching TikTok as a 45 year old man does.

I was watching TikTok, and these videos kept popping up.

And once you start watching one or two, then the algorithm just starts feeding them to you.

And people are making these high protein ice cream things, and they're like 60 grams of protein.

And we talk about health and trying to be healthy.

And so anyways, I was like, man, because I do smoothies and stuff, but even then, you kind of get tired of it.

So this, it's like 200 bucks for this thing.

But all the videos I was watching, people are like, you know, Ninja didn't sponsor this.

This is one of the best purchases I made.

I love it.

I use it every day.

I use it way more than I thought I would.

So, you know, TikTok sold me.

I'm like, dude, I'll buy one.

So I bought one, came in yesterday.

I mixed up a bunch of different versions.

You gotta freeze them overnight.

And anyways, I mixed it up this morning, and I did essentially like vanilla ice cream, but it's pretty much just whole milk and protein powder and a little bit of jello pudding mix, which actually I ordered gore gum, G-U-A-R, gore gum, to replace the jello, because all it is is a thickening agent to make it the right consistency.

And gore gum comes from beans.

So it's actually-

I thought it was gore.

I don't know how to say it, dude.

I'm not a-

Now you're being like me.

Just make up your own.

Well, how do you say it?

It's gore.

Is it gore gum?

Yeah, G-O-R-E, it's just gore gum.

Well anyways, it comes from beans.

It's actually supposed to be good for you in low doses.

It's actually good for your digestive health, but it's a thickening agent.

So anyways, it's no calorie.

So in the future, when that shows up, I'm gonna make protein powder, whole milk, some of that gore gum or however you say it, maybe a little bit of vanilla extract in there and let that freeze and then you blend it up.

And essentially, it tastes just like ice cream, but it's super high protein.

There's no added sugar.

It's not like you're putting a ton of sugar in it.

And it's just really healthy for you.

So I'm all about it.

I'm excited about it because I need to eat healthier than I eat.

I work out every single day now, which is great.

And I am seeing some improvement, like it's incremental.

I'm a little bit fitter month to month, but diet is 80% and diet's where I've been falling short.

So too much Sonic, too much Brahms, too much Dairy Queen.

My wife is like, hey, you want me to pick up an ice cream on the way home?

Yeah, why not?

Pick me up an ice cream.

Give me two.

Yeah, so that kind of stuff, it just kills your diet when you eat that stuff.

So anyways, I'm excited about it and I love it.

And you ordered, I told you about it like two days ago and you're like, done, bought it.

Yep, done.

No problem.

Yeah, for similar to you, I've been touting a while, doing, I'm gonna say similar with my Vitamix, but this should make it so much easier, easier, like ridiculous.

So, done, yeah, you know, the fruit, keep it clean.

You know, same as you, we're trying to cut all that stuff.

In fact, I've been doing a lot of things, you know, I've been out of pharmacy for a while now, man, other than I do consulting sometimes on antibiotics and so forth, but the cholesterol and, you know, heart disease and the whole nine yards.

So I continue kind of a mass to get sugar, sugars, anything that is an irritant to your cardiovascular system out of our diets.

And this, to cut things like actually, you know, commercial ice creams, I think it'd be fantastic.

Exactly, exactly.

Dude, I'm psyched on it.

Not to bore people with my health stuff, I'm like an old man, like, oh, you know, I remember my grandparents, I'd see him, I'm like, hell, you know, how are things going?

I got an ache in my knee, in my shoulder.

That's all they want to talk about is their ailments, you know?

Got a hemorrhoid.

Yeah, they talk about all their ailments, but my ailment, my main ailment, is I got this hiatal hernia, which is congenital.

You're born with it.

And essentially it's this like hernia on your stomach and it creates acid reflux.

And there's really nothing they can do for it besides surgery when, and the doctor said, you don't want the surgery.

Like do everything you can to avoid the surgery.

It's gnarly.

You don't want to go down that road.

You know, they prescribed me like Prilosec and all these different things, which I don't want to take those things.

They're bad for you.

So I'm trying to get away from taking those.

But at nighttime, the only thing that sounds good to eat for me, like my body craves ice cream at night for dinner.

But that's horrible for, I don't want to be eating ice cream at night for dinner.

But if I eat anything else, I'm just like up all night with acid reflux.

So anyways, for me, this thing is kind of solves a problem for me and that's eating healthier, high protein, low sugar, and something that I can eat and sounds good to me and hopefully kind of stops the whole acid refluxing at night.

There you go.

Yep, yep, yep.

Well, I look forward to mine.

While you were talking, I just said it's going to be here Saturday.


Yeah, Saturday.

I thought it'd be here pre-4th of July.

Dude, in California, you guys have same day delivery.

What's taking so long?

I don't know, you know.

Once you told me about it, apparently you made a lot of other calls, and there was a whole bunch of people, it was WWBDG, and sales of Creamy went through the roof.

And now I have to wait.

Well, I got mine the next day, which is crazy.

But yeah.

Yeah, Ninja Creamy, awesome.

So if you're out there and you like ice cream and you want to eat healthier, it is good.

And then hop on TikTok, put in Ninja Creamy recipes and tons of videos pop up.

And a lot of them are good for you.

Some of them are bad for you, but you know, whatever, have fun with it.

All right, Jon, on that note, we want to wrap it up.

Let's do it.


Well, until next week, adios.

Adios, amigo.